Monday, July 09, 2007

Hats Off to Stay at Home Moms!

How do stay at home mom's do it? I now must take my hat off to them. I've been home for two days and I'm ready for a heavy dose of Prozac. Just last week it seemed that summer vacation was shrinking in size, today I'm counting down the days until school starts.

Maybe it was that obsessive quest of becoming the "cool" parents that has backfired. I don't think that was my idea to begin with, but an idea forced upon me by one that I share parenting responsibility with. Today, he is safely tucked away behind his desk, having full fledged conversations with other adults. I'm listening to the ever popular chimes of "STOP!' "Don't touch me." "I didn't do ANYTHING" "Wasn't me" Much of which I laughed at when the boys were two, but now that their voices are changing, it's just not as cute or funny to me these days.

When did the footsteps become so heavy too? I swore AMTRAK passed through ten minutes ago. The screeching sounds could have easily been mistaken for breaks of a freight train. The heavy breathing of anger sounding much like a locomotive in motion.

The good old days of parenting, where did they go? I remember being shooed out of the house at the crack of dawn, returning for short periods known as lunch and dinner. Our alarm was the sight of the streetlights which announced the end of yet another full day.

Now, it's the sound of three boys with friends forgetting how to take turns, sitting for hours in front of a screen, with controllers in hand. One more day many days until Fall?

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